Representative Anthony Weiner has fessed up and admitted that he was the one sending lewd photos of himself on Twitter and that his account was never hacked. I write a lot about managing your online presence and digital dirt during a job search but the same rules apply for people who are trying to hold on to the jobs they have. Here are 5 tips for Weiner and anyone else out there dabbling in social media or even just corresponding via email.
- 1. On Twitter, when you only want a message to go to one person (a DM or direct message) double check your messaging options (best to do this with both hands on the keyboard).
- 2. Don’t assume a private DM on Twitter is really that private. After all, it is the Internet.
- 3. Don’t put anything online that could be sliced and diced, misinterpreted or taken out of context.
- 4. Don’t put anything online that you wouldn’t want your grandmother (or your wife!) to see.
- 5. Don’t jeopardize a career that took years to build with one stupid picture or 140 character message.